shipwreck...難破する ☆suffer shipwreck
board...板 ☆a floor board
good old...古きよき ☆the good old days
dare...あえて~する ☆We don't dare to speak.
fair...順調な ☆The wind was fair.
sped...speed(急ぐ)の過去・過分 ☆The car sped away.
swiftly...迅速に ☆She runs swiftly.
fierce...すさまじい、荒々しい ☆fierce winds
cried out...~と叫ぶ ☆The girl cried out for help.
run out of...~から走り出る ☆I run out of my classroom.
cabin...船室 ☆my cabin is very wide.
bank...土手、かたまり ☆the right bank of a river
dashed over...打ちつける、ぶっかける ☆dash a bucketful of water over the floor
deck...甲板、デッキ ☆go up on deck
overboard...船外 ☆We repaired overboard.
lull...静けさ、途切れ ☆a lull in trade
rushed...急いで行く ☆The girl rushed out when she saw her mother.
slung...sling(~を投げる)の過去・過分 ☆sling stones at a dog
floated...浮かべる ☆float a boat on the pond
perhaps...あるいは ☆Perhaps that's true.
cast...~に役を割り当てる ☆cast him in the part of Hamlet
raging...rag(荒れ狂う)の現在分詞 ☆The battle was raging.
frightful...恐ろしい ☆a frightful wave
thrown away...~を捨てる ☆"Could you please throw away the old books?"
It pasted for eight years then he left his home.
By several days, they started the voyage when it was nice weather.
Suddenly it changed to terrible environment.
They had no way to sail as they were thrown out.
They had lost by themselves little by little the wave was more fiercer.
After about two weeks, the climate was calm.
He saw very moment that the vessel arrived new land.
His ship was broken by heavy wave so it can't move.
The captain said to them, "Now, Our voyage is end, and no longer that our lives. So we can wait during repair."
Then, the mate said with tears, "We have one chance."
In the lull of the storm, they started to prepare for voyage again.
No one does't know about their fate.
There are onry their hopes.
...But they were swallowed in the raging sea.
Sorry, this summary is unfinished...
Now, I finished.
I searched same words from past blog.
I want to write my unknown words in notebook, and I review that.
Very, very good work. I can see that you are learning many words.