
I can't renew my blog

I will absent from today's class.
And I didn't do my homework.
I'm going to do it by Saturday.

I'm so sorry...




Robinson Crusoe




rolling...打ち寄せる  ☆The waves were rolling to the sands.

farther...far(遠く)の比較級、もっと遠くに  ☆go farther into the forest.

might...力  ☆Might is right.

feared...恐れる  ☆Fools rush in where angels fear to tread.

lest...~ではないかと  ☆We feared lest he should lose his way.

lifted...持ち上げる  ☆lift the receiver on the second ring.

worn out...wear(すり減らす)の過去分詞、疲れ切った  ☆I worn out with sprint.

struggle...苦闘  ☆have a struggle to keep up with the times

arose...arise(起こる)の過去形  ☆This fear arises from ignorance.

stuck in...stick(動けなくさせる)の過去・過分、動かなくなる  ☆The bus stuck in the soft sand.

saved...救う  ☆The doctors saved his life.

signs...信号、合図  ☆give her a sign to hold up

drowned...drown(溺れ死ぬ)の過去・過分  ☆His friend drowned in the river.


He swayed on the seashore when he awaked.
Another wave that high as a hill was coming his back.
He lurked in silently but he was carried farther and farther.
He was so suffered but never gave up in himself.
He was streamed to the long beach.
So he can breath however nothing his might.
He swam and ran to the rocks, because doesn't undergo such the fearful experience.
He thanked God for saving while looked up the sky on the green grass.
He took a rest shortly and found their ship, but it couldn't move.
He remembered the men that were with him, and looked for them very hard.
They settled in the deep sea.


It was on May 28th.
I think I use the subjective "He" many times.
Summary is itemized.
Please tell me the solution about this problem.



Robinson Crusoe



shipwreck...難破する  ☆suffer shipwreck

board...板  ☆a floor board

good old...古きよき  ☆the good old days

dare...あえて~する  ☆We don't dare to speak.

fair...順調な  ☆The wind was fair.

sped...speed(急ぐ)の過去・過分  ☆The car sped away.

swiftly...迅速に  ☆She runs swiftly.

fierce...すさまじい、荒々しい  ☆fierce winds

cried out...~と叫ぶ  ☆The girl cried out for help.

run out of...~から走り出る  ☆I run out of my classroom.

cabin...船室  ☆my cabin is very wide.

bank...土手、かたまり  ☆the right bank of a river

dashed over...打ちつける、ぶっかける  ☆dash a bucketful of water over the floor

deck...甲板、デッキ  ☆go up on deck

overboard...船外  ☆We repaired overboard.

lull...静けさ、途切れ  ☆a lull in trade

rushed...急いで行く  ☆The girl rushed out when she saw her mother.

slung...sling(~を投げる)の過去・過分  ☆sling stones at a dog

floated...浮かべる  ☆float a boat on the pond

perhaps...あるいは  ☆Perhaps that's true.

cast...~に役を割り当てる  ☆cast him in the part of Hamlet

raging...rag(荒れ狂う)の現在分詞  ☆The battle was raging.

frightful...恐ろしい  ☆a frightful wave

thrown away...~を捨てる  ☆"Could you please throw away the old books?"


It pasted for eight years then he left his home.
By several days, they started the voyage when it was nice weather.
Suddenly it changed to terrible environment.
They had no way to sail as they were thrown out.
They had lost by themselves little by little the wave was more fiercer.
After about two weeks, the climate was calm.
He saw very moment that the vessel arrived new land.
His ship was broken by heavy wave so it can't move.
The captain said to them, "Now, Our voyage is end, and no longer that our lives. So we can wait during repair."
Then, the mate said with tears, "We have one chance."
In the lull of the storm, they started to prepare for voyage again.
No one does't know about their fate.
There are onry their hopes.
...But they were swallowed in the raging sea.


Sorry, this summary is unfinished...
Now, I finished.
I searched same words from past blog.
I want to write my unknown words in notebook, and I review that.



Robinson Crusoe



undertake...~を始める、企てる  ☆An air crean-up campaigh was undertaken.

plantation...大農園  ☆a rubber plantation

tobacco...タバコ  ☆buy some pipe tobacco

sugar cane...サトウキビ  ☆I have sufficient money to buy sugar cane.

plows...すき  ☆pull the plow over a field

hoes...くわ  ☆I use the hoe for wheat.

sugar mill...mill(製造所、工場)  ☆a cotton mill

neither~nor...~も・・・ない  ☆I neither knew nor saw the boys.

planters...農園主  ☆He is planter in Brazil.

fit out...調達してやる  ☆fit the soldiers out with all needed supplies

aboard...乗船して  ☆All of us went aboard quickly.

as for...~について言えば  ☆As for John, he is always surrounded by friends.

penny...ペニー貨、小銭  ☆change a pound note into pennies

divide...分割する  ☆the river dividing the two countries

just...当然の  ☆the just title to the throne

though...けれども  ☆I went out yesterday though I still had a little fever.

figured...~だと思う  ☆They figured (that) it was the best plan.

plenty...たくさん  ☆plenty of books on the shelf

beads...ネックレス  ☆beads of diamond

hatchets...手おの  ☆They have hatchets for cutting down the tree.

besides...~のほかに  ☆Are you studying any foreign languages besides Japanese?


He was difficult to continue his voyage and lost curiosity when he was in Brazil.
He started to make plantation for raise crops, anything.
The slaves said to him, "We help you, but instead of our hopes."
Their hope is...manager of the business, do the trading for them.
They said, "If you need black slaves for working, you have to pay the money. So we will divide them equally."
He thought this plan was so nice because he can get thirty or forty slaves.
This plan changed his mind that hate the his sail.
The ship was fitted out with many of goods for the trade.
He wanted to buy for them in many goods.
The ship carried fourteen men with the captain and him.
The sailed from coast of Brazil was nice.


I have many unknown wards.
But I studies it, so I can read it easy.
I'm so sleepy because I stayed up allnight.



Robinson Crusoe



linking...趣味  ☆It's not my liking to go out after dark.

vessels...vessel(船-船舶関係)の複数形  ☆The fishing vessel has gone to overseas.

coast...海岸  ☆Boston is on the Atlantic coast.

sail...渡る  ☆She sailed across the Atlantic.

load...積み荷  ☆a cart with a full load of hay.

trinkets...小さな装身具(宝石など)、つまらない物  ☆He sold the trinkets.

gold dust...砂金  ☆He is looking for gold dust.

feathers...羽毛  ☆Fine feathers make fine birds(馬子にも衣装)

stirring...感動的な  ☆a stirring tale

great...大きな  ☆Look at that great table!

headed...~の方へ向ける  ☆The captain managed to head the ship toward the cape.

ought...owe(~を負う)の過去形  ☆Jane ought to be more respectful to her parents.
ought to ~...~するのが当然である

steer...かじをとる  ☆steer the boat into the port

tides...潮流  ☆stlong tides

compass...羅針盤  ☆the 32 points of the compass

reckon...憶測する  ☆I reckon it'll be another ten or twenty minutes at least.

name...選ぶ  ☆The president named him as Secretary of Defense.

wherever...どこへ~しようとも  ☆Whever you are, remember that I will be thinking of you.

shores...国、地方  ☆his native shores


One day, he met old captain.
The captain asked him to come with me, if you want to see the world.
He was so pleased to go with them.
He was looking forward to see the strange things, peole and stirring adventure.
Before ten days has passed, they lead the great ocean.
The captain taught him everything how to sail.
He enjoyed the voyage very much.
When he arrived London, he became a rich man and learned trader.
But his adventure was not only happy things.
He wants to go to unknown shores sometimes, and find the life of a sailor by himself deeply.
However at last a sudden end was put to all his sailing...


I'm sorry to write many my unknown words.
It was difficult to change the original by my words.
But I was taught how to efficient summary, I understood and calmed afresh.

This link↓↓


Robinson Crusoe



indeed... 本当に  ☆He is indeed a man of few words.

fairest... fair(好都合の、天気のよい)の最上級  ☆Today is fair to later rainy.

very...まさしく(first, nextなどの語を強調)、ちょうどその  ☆You are the very first person I've met today.

tossed...~を投げ上げる  ☆toss a pancake.

frightened...怖がる  ☆I am frightened of dogs.

gale...強風  ☆I feel the gale force.

whole... 全体の  ☆the whole world


He soon found that a sailor's life is indeed a hard life.
His mother's words were true.
He was very busy on board of our ship, even in the fairest weather.
On the very first night, he had never seen badly wind, wave, and storm.
It was so scary for him.
Then he remembered his pleasant home and the words of his kind mother.
He said to himself "If I live to reach dry land, I will give up this thought of being a sailor."
Day came, the weather was calmly.
The next morning, he found the first mate over the wide water.
He said, "Well, Bob, how do you like it? Were you frightened by that little gale?"
They laughed and said "Wait till we have a real storm."
He was little by little, his first voyage was not a long.
He visited no new lands, only to London. But he saw great city which is very wonderful.
Nothing would satisfy but make a long voyage so he wished to see the whole world.


This time, I was a little difficult.
On Wednesday, it was holiday. But I couldn't put forward to do my subject.

Robinson Crusoe



spread …~を広げる  ☆spread one's arms wide.

beneath ...~の真下に  ☆sit beneath a tree.

pleasanter ...pleasant(楽しい)の比較形  ☆have a pleasant time.

bear ...~に耐える  ☆I can't bear you to be unhappy.

wrecked ...~を難破させる  ☆The ship was wrecked on the rocks.


He is Robinson Crusoe who this story's hero.
He saw a broad river, with ships coming and going when he was little by little.
He liked to watch the ships and he wished to be a sailor, but his father wanted his to learn a trade.
Robinson thought of working every day in a dusty shop and stay in York all his life.
He wanted to see the world so he would be a sailor nothing else.
One day, he told to his mother about that. She was very sad.
She worried to him. She told to his that sailors' fortune and danger of sea.
But he would not listen to her. His mind was made up, and a sailor he decided.
When he was eighteen years old, his adventure of sea was started.


My summary is long, but I understood this story.
Next time, I want to read more.



come up in


"narau yori narero"

One very important way to get used English is to find "input" that one is interested in and can enjoy.

if there are too many words that you have to learn all at once, it is difficult to get used to English.

you probably don't need to stop and look up the word unless you are very curious about its meaning.

The best way to get used to English words is to remember how they were used in materials you read or listened to.

To get to know a word well, you need to "meet" it in many different situations.

If, on the other had, you learn a simple sentence, you have learned something important about how to use the word.
memorizing Japanese equivalents does not work is that there are very few cases.